Always Learning
Learning never ends.
Today is the last day of summer for myself and my southern hemisphere counterparts. With a week of hot weather ahead here in Perth, it doesn’t feel as though autumn is a day away.
In recent years I’ve learned more about the six Noongar seasons and currently we’re in the middle of Bunuru season, which spans February and March. It is known as the second summer and is the hottest time of the year.
When I first discovered this I felt relief. Here is an explanation for what I’ve observed for years. Summer doesn’t end in February in Perth.
When we believe there is always something new to learn, then we will always learn something new.
It’s a natural outlook for any life-long learner.
Always on the look out to synthesise our informal observations and discoveries with our formal learnings.
It is how we make sense of the world. It is how we develop and grow. It is how we change what we think, feel and do.
To always be learning is a critical skill in our work, and our lives. Luckily for all of us, it can be learned and practiced.
Which makes me curious, what have you learned in recent times?