Silly Season

It’s the silly season.

Here in Australia, at least, we’ll often refer to this time of year as such.

After finding myself in three consecutive meetings full of laughter and lightness, it occurred to me that it’s okay to embrace the silliness of the season, at work and elsewhere.

And, while we may feel that we have permission at this time of year, I wonder how we might embrace it as a way of being for all times.

In our time-poor, productivity-focused work environments, meetings can be intense, task oriented affairs. They can also be dull and unengaging.

There is plenty of research in support of fun and laughter in the workplace. It enhances team morale and culture, strengthens relationships, helps us to navigate complex and difficult conversations, boosts our own mood, and can make us more productive, not less.

So when you find yourself embracing the season’s silliness, remember the famous Dr Seuss mantra of, ‘these things are fun, and fun is good.’

I’m curious how you might be embracing the opportunity for fun and laughter this week.


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