Showing Up

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When we have spent time - sometimes years - building a habit, or embedding a practice into our work and lives, we know that it is about showing up consistently, day in day out.

I’m always reminded of the story of the tortoise and the hare. We can get anxious when we observe some people speeding past us. Yet, it isn’t a race to be won today or tomorrow. When we are making changes, we are playing a long game and it is important to steadily build a consistent practice of doing the important things. Slowly and surely it will take us in the direction we seek.

Today's results may not be evident until we look at it from the context of tomorrow's goal.

Look at the day and week ahead and ask ourselves:

Is what I have planned furthering my long term goals, or is it simply a burst of focus on the short term rewards?

Will tomorrow’s goal thank me for what I chose to do today?


Cultural Core


Make It Happen