Cultural Core

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Communication works for those who work at it

Communication is at the heart of everything we do in our workplaces and our lives.

Effective communication underpins a healthy culture, increases team performance, enables individuals to do their best work and builds our relationships with our customers.

It's easy to think communication is one of those things we get sorted through hiring the right people, having the right structure, setting up processes and workflows to enhance communication, and providing lots of opportunities for communication to flourish - meetings, digital tools, cross functional projects etc etc

As the quote from John Powell suggests, “communication works for those who work at it.”

It's definitely not a one directional, set and forget approach to communication.

We need to always be thinking about communication in everything we do. Asking ourselves questions like:

Am I listening?
Is it inclusive?
Am I open?
Am I clear?
Is it enough?
Am I listening some more?

The general rule - if we think we’re communicating well enough, focus on communicating even better.



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