Change of Energy

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Have you ever wondered how we could take the energy expended on maintaining the status quo and direct it towards adapting to change?

It has been particularly evident over the past year as we’ve seen change after change forced upon us.

“When will things return to ‘normal’?” is a question oft-asked.

When we are navigating through COVID-related constraints and realities, the aim is to maintain as much of the pre-COVID features as possible. For example, we want our workflows, meeting structures, communication and culture to be as close to what it was as is possible despite the new order of things.

What if we looked for the opportunities afforded by these changes?

What if we envisaged a new, and better, way of doing our work?

What if we accepted that some things will never return to ‘normal’?

Change takes energy.

I wonder if we should start to focus that energy on what lies ahead.


Back On Track


Cultural Core