Back On Track

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Anyone else feel like the globe is spinning faster?

Every person I speak with is feeling it. Maybe it was our expectations that time would feel more usual (whatever that means) once we arrived in 2021.

I’m hearing (and saying), “there has been so much going on that it surely must be June already…” to “where has the year gone? I blinked and it went from January to March!”

Around 80% of people abandon their new year’s goals by mid February every year.

As the end of the first quarter of 2021 approaches, it is a great time to get back on track.

How have my goals changed this year?
What do I want to achieve in the next month, quarter or by the end of the year?
What’s one, small thing I can do to get re-started?
How can I get moving and create some momentum?

The good thing about our goals is we can choose to reset them at any time. This seems like a good time, don't you agree?


Another Day


Change of Energy