Round & Round

Do you think we spend much of our time going round and round in circles?

This was a random question I was asked recently during a Q & A session.

It can certainly feel that way, at times.

When I rediscovered some work I did about 7 years ago, it was an interesting opportunity to see the development and growth of my ideas over this period, although there were some aspects that hadn’t seemed to have moved at all. For a moment, I felt the same ‘going round and round in circles’ feeling.

Because we often see going round in circles as a negative. It is considered a sign of failure that we are covering the same ground over and over, and never getting to our goal or destination. Which if we see the journey (whatever it may be) as a linear one, then circles may well be seen as an impediment to progress.

What if our journey is non-linear?

What if circling back, revisiting and reflecting on what has been is a necessary part of our growth and development?

Perhaps, going round and round in circles might be exactly where we are supposed to be.


The Moment Is Perfect


Nothing Is Certain