Right Under Our Nose

It’s there … right under your nose!

With fingers pointing, these words are spoken - way too often - to Flash the dog. Usually followed quickly with: are you even a dog?!

Too often, the treat tossed his way ends up sitting right under his nose. When he (finally) sniffs it out, he looks surprised, as if to say: where did that come from?

We can all have Flash moments.

The answer to a problem.

The missing piece of a puzzle.

The word/s we need to express ourselves.

The change we seek to make.

Sitting there right under our noses until some wise person observes our confusion and suggests we look closer … or until we finally sniff it out.

We, too, may look surprised and wonder: where did that come from?

And, more than likely, we knew it was there all along.

I’m curious, what might be hiding right under your nose?


Super Humans


What We See