Reflect & Celebrate

It’s been said the further back we look, the further forward we can see.

Today I’ve had the privilege to be a part of the 50th anniversary celebrations for not for profit association Playgroup WA.

An opportunity to reflect back on, and celebrate, such longevity in an organisation that was founded by a group of insightful, energetic and change-seeking women in the early 1970’s. It met the needs of families and communities at that time, creating strong social connections, support networks, and child development, and has stayed true to purpose over 5 decades.

When we consider the enduring nature of these needs, we embark upon the next 50 years with optimism and aspiration for what is possible, advocating for, and supporting, the families and communities across Western Australia.

It gives me pause to reflect further on that which makes a strong organisation: by the people, for the people.

Today I have gratitude for all the people that have played a part in this 50 years - and counting - journey.

Thank you for the inspiring example of making change happen.


Clearing Your Head


Counting Birds