Counting Birds

Question of the day is: how has the Aussie Backyard Bird Count made me more productive?

A random - somewhat strange - question, I know. Stick with me 😁

Earlier this year I read a story about the annual national bird count run by charity BirdLife Australia. It encouraged us to download the app and sign up ready for the week-long bird counting activities.

So, I did. And, this week is National Bird Week and time to count birds. Using the app, you set the 20 minute timer and list the numbers and varieties of birds you see in your local area.

In a deadline heavy week, it could be tempting to put my head down, bottom up and just work, work, work. Instead, the chirping of one of my local birds outside my office window is a reminder to stop, set my timer and take a break. A 20 minute wander in the sunshine and spotting the birds.

Not only do I come back refreshed to the task at hand, I’m energised by learning something about the birds near me, and pleased to be doing my small bit to contribute to our collective knowledge of the birdlife in Australia.

You might consider this a friendly reminder of the benefits to our productivity when we stop and take a break. It’s also a counter to the voice that says “oh, I don’t have time for that” when something interesting crosses your path, because you never know how something random might be of benefit to you and to others.

I’m curious, what is something you have done which provides an unexpected benefit?


Reflect & Celebrate


Saying No