Progress Is Sneaky

Progress is sneaky.

One minute you feel as though you’re going nowhere. The next you realise you’ve gone further.

I was reminded of this on my morning walk with a friend. We got to the top of the hill, looked at each other, and said “how many is that?” We recounted our efforts and realised we had gone past last week’s achievement without even realising.

Our goal is to build up the number of hills we climb during our walk. It’s easy to feel as though we will never get there. Until we do. As we reflect on our achievement we realise we have been slowly and steadily building. We have been making progress.

Progress is progress. Little by little it sneaks up on us. Reminding us that as we keep going, we keep making progress.

It’s a new week ahead, where might progress be sneaking up on you?


Teach Yourself


Keeping Calm