Keeping Calm

Keep calm …

and [fill in the blank].

There’s a reason this has been such a popular meme for many years.

Stress and anxiety are well-known to have a detrimental effect on our body and brain.

There a whole host of impacts from decreased energy, outputs and performance, to feeling stuck and unable to move forward, to poor health and wellbeing.

There’s also a whole host of simple, everyday ‘keep calm’ actions we can take that will help us to feel, do and be better.

Whether it be deep breaths, a walk, a brain break, meditation, talk or write it out, herbal tea or similar, these are accessible starting points to reduce the stress and anxiety.

The irony, of course, is that in stressful moments we can find it difficult to access these techniques.

The ‘keep calm and …’ paraphernalia may have lessened in recent times, but our need to do so hasn’t.

I’m curious, how might a reminder to keep calm help you feel, do and be better?


Progress Is Sneaky


Care For Change