Plans v Reality

Start as you intend to go on. 

An often-used phrase that is helpful to focus us in on how we use our time and energy. Except, when it’s not 😉

What about those days when how you start is not how you want, or need, to go on?

In my first meeting of the day, we each shared how our focus had been spread across lots of little things. This was certainly not how I needed to spend the rest of my day.

Yet, a few hours later, I found myself continuing to bounce around a variety of different priorities. Some were planned, some were governed by other constraints, and some simply emerged as urgent and important issues to address today.

So, what to do when you have one of these days?

Perhaps, the goal is to flip our phrase to: go on as you intend to go on.

How might we revisit the day we have planned and identify where we can tweak it going forward?

Because, it happens. There are days where we have planned a mix of meetings, tasks to complete, and time for some deeper work and it all changes. Sometimes it is appropriate to stick to our plans, no matter what, and other times we have to adapt.

Today, for me, was a ‘have to adapt’ day as the little things just kept on coming. (Even while blocking out some writing time for this post, my brain was being drawn to other must be done today tasks.)

With acceptance comes a deep breath and perhaps another popular phrase: tomorrow is another day.

How do you deal with days like this?


Rest & Relax


Finding Flow