Finding Flow

There’s nothing better than working - in real time - with others.

Collaboration is a 21st century workplace skill that brings us a better result (1 + 1 is always greater than 2) and has the side benefit of being a whole lot of fun.

With more of our workplaces adopting hybrid working practices, the use of synchronous collaboration tools is increasing. 

Of course, simply working on a Miro board or Google sheet together doesn’t guarantee a great result. You have to add all the other ingredients of a great team, like trust, clarity, purpose, empathy, curiosity and more. 

One thing is for sure, when it is all working in harmony, there is joy in seeing your screen light up with the accumulation of ideas.

It’s as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi wrote about the concept of flow: “the happiest people spend much time in a state of flow - the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter…” 

Now there’s an advertisement for collaboration, don’t you agree.


Plans v Reality


Idea Baskets