Idea Baskets

As I walked through the shops recently, I noticed the abundance of baskets for sale. All ready for the upcoming Easter egg hunts for families to enjoy.

It got me to thinking about how these might come in handy for collecting ideas in our workplaces.

Much like those eggs, ideas are hiding in all sorts of places. 

Does your workplace have a nest of baskets ready to capture:

Individual ideas - how to remember and sort all the thoughts and ideas that come to us at random times;

Team ideas - how we are inviting and sharing ideas to improve how we work together; and 

Organisation-wide ideas - how we can instil a culture of innovation, learning and growth.

Much like those eggs, without some way of capturing ideas we might find we lose, or drop, some along the way.

And, much like chocolate, that would be a terrible waste, don’t you agree?


Finding Flow


The Time It Takes