Permission to Rest

My internet browser was curious:

Do you want to close all 71 tabs?

Yes! Yes, I do.

As each one disappeared from the screen in front of me, I felt a little weight lift from my shoulders.

The irony is that I keep multiple tabs open so that I don’t have to remember the myriad tasks/ideas/things to read/research/balls in the air. Instead of being a placeholder, it is a constant reminder of the open tabs in my brain.

Rested and refreshed, I’ll happily hold them all.

Tired and overloaded, they are barriers to rest.

When I gave permission for my browser to close, I also gave myself permission to rest.

I get to start the week with the energy and enthusiasm to re-open and re-commence where I left off.

How about you? Where might you need to give yourself permission?


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