Drink More Water

Drink more water!

We all know that drinking enough water every day is a good thing to do. And yet …

The knowing-doing gap strikes again.

Drink more water: three words I have told myself over and over again. At various times, I’ve written notes on pin up boards and in notebooks, all attempts to make a change and do this thing.

And yet … when it is cold, I find myself wanting a hot drink instead. When I’m busy, I simply forget until I feel parched.

I tell myself (a story) that when it is warmer, or when I’m less distracted, I’ll be able to increase my water intake.

Instead of listening to these stories we tell ourselves and believing them, what if we challenged what we hear and changed our behaviour accordingly?

What if we said, yes, it is cold and I’d like a hot drink, AND, I’m still going to drink more water today!

I’m curious, what stories are stopping you from making a change, big or small?


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