Gamify Your Day

Do you ever gamify your workday?

What is gamifying your workday, I hear you ask.

I see it as a method to help us manage the workflow and deadlines we set for our own work; a necessary skill for the 21st century professional, knowledge worker.

Just as many of our productivity related apps, online learning or project management systems use game techniques to keep us engaged and for making progress - think badges and streaks and challenges, to name a few - we can insert these techniques into other parts of our workday, too.

I’ll often challenge myself to obtain a 3, 7, 10, 100 day streak on a repetitive task.

Or I’ll play a game with timezones when I’ve got a deadline - being based in Perth, challenging myself to get it done on New Zealand time is a stretch goal, whilst giving myself the grace of Hawaii time when I’m overloaded and overwhelmed.

So, what game might you play?

After all, we know play is good for our brains and bringing a little into our workday is fun and effective. Win-win, I’d say.


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