People At Work

It would be so much easier if there weren’t any people.

A statement I include in my “if I had a dollar” folder. Yes, I’ve heard it many times in workplaces over the years.

And if you listened to current opinion, it would seem that technology is trying to make the eradication of people in the workplace a reality.

Yet technology has been replacing jobs for as long as there have been jobs to replace.

People who worked as switchboard operators, human computers, film projectionists, and in the typing pool, are a few examples of those who had to change direction at some point in the last 30-50 years. There is not a single job that hasn’t been re-configured in some ways to meet technological and other changes.

Whilst it might disappoint those who would find it easier to be free of the human element of work, the need for people isn’t going anywhere.

It’s simply changing. Again.

That change, when we embrace it is full of opportunity for each of us, our teams and our workplaces. With this change we get to learn and grow and try something different. By being curious and open, we get to put technology and other changes to work for us, and to make work better.

And, when we put the human front and centre of how we work, that’s when it truly becomes easier.

I’m up for this kind of change, how about you?


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