Belief Fuel

Do you have enough “belief fuel” to keep going?

Belief fuel. This phrase, used by Kindness Mastery Curator and KindLoook Founder, Daniel Burns, highlights a vital ingredient for any of us working on an important project or change.

Strong self-efficacy, the belief that we can overcome challenges and be successful with our goals,  has to be sustained. That’s where belief fuel comes in.

The exciting thing is that belief fuel is readily available whenever we need, or want, it.

Belief fuel can come from within, when we reflect and learn.

Belief fuel can come from others, when we seek feedback and ask questions.

Belief fuel can come from our environment, when we observe and measure our progress and practice.

Yes, I can do this thing. Yes, I am doing this thing. Yes, I can keep on, keeping on.

Motivation. Resilience. Progress. Change. Mastery.

All benefit from the addition of belief fuel.

Where might you re-fuel?

[Thank you, Daniel, for reminding me that having our tank full of belief fuel is a crucial part of making change happen. And, for others reading this, you’ll find the KindLoook website a great stop to refuel. Find out more at]


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