Parallel Lessons

I believe there’s a parallel lesson to be found in almost everything.

Whilst doing a clean out recently, I came across the workbook from an Information Processing (aka Speed Reading) course I did years back. The purpose was to help us get through the ever-increasing amount of information we had to get through in the workplace, and ultimately to be more productive.

I took on some of the nifty tips, particularly when scanning a document quickly, although I never really put in the practice to increase my speed hugely.

As I sit and look at the pile of to-read books on my bookshelf, I do wonder how more practice might have helped me read more.

Or, how my subtle resistance to consuming information for informations’ sake and a desire for quality over quantity means that the to-read list will always be long, and that’s okay.

To be able to discern what is important to me might be one of the biggest lessons from this particular training course. 

What unexpected lessons have you learned along the way?


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