Occupational Hazards

Occupational hazards are a funny thing. The metaphorical kind, that is, not the unsafe and dangerous variety.

In my line of work, the hazard is always being alert, curious, and open to exploring where there is an opportunity for change.

In the every day of work and life, I often find myself thinking, “I wonder why it is done this way?” It is invariably followed up by a number of ‘what if’ questions and thoughts. And, as my curiosity deepens, I’ll often wonder how many others can see the need for change.

In many of the workplaces I spend time in there are people who are curious, change seekers. They are people who see the incremental improvements that will make a difference to customers, employees and, ultimately, performance. They are the people who can envision a completely new way of doing or being. They are the people who ask questions, seek to understand, dig deep into problems, look for solutions and have ideas to share.

They may have tried to make change happen; they may have had success in making change happen. Or, they may have hit the brick wall of the status quo.

And yet, wherever they find themselves, the shared occupational hazard for a change seeker is hope.

It’s as Dale Carnegie said: Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.

Hope is what allows us change seekers to persevere and remain steadfast in the pursuit of better, and in making change happen.

Which makes me wonder, how do hope, optimism and possibility play a role in your work, and what other occupational hazards have a positive impact on what you can achieve?


Tortoise? Hare?


Perfect Timing