Tortoise? Hare?

From the many of Aesop’s fables that we know, The Tortoise and the Hare is a popular one.

I, as do others, often use this story to emphasise patience, persistence and a long-term view. The “slow and steady wins the race” moral is a useful one in our work and lives.

I recently stumbled on an article detailing where an experiment was conducted to see who would win the race between a real-life turtle and a rabbit, and on both occasions, the turtle was victor.  Perhaps a surprising victory for team ’slow and steady’.

As I reflect on the week (and month) just gone, there’s room for both tortoise and hare behaviours.

Some projects have had me hopping along at a speedy pace to get things over the line, and my curiosity may have resulted in a few rabbit hole visits along the way 😉

And, my inner tortoise, has been following a steady daily, weekly, monthly rhythm and continuing to progress all of the things. Step by step. Drip by drip. Making change happen.

As you reflect on the week and month just passed, who has been leading the way as you race toward your goals and the change you seek to make?


New Paths


Occupational Hazards