Perfect Timing

Have you ever felt that it’s perfect timing?

Those moments when an opportunity comes to you at just the right time.

Or, you read something and it contains the perfect words you need to see.

Or, someone shares a story that is exactly what you need to hear.

Or, someone comes into (or back into) your life when you need to see them.

Yes, we can debate if perfect even exists, although in this case, it feels moot.

Perfect timing is all about those moments when what we want, and/or need come our way. We get to experience perfect timing when we have our eyes, ears, and whole being open and ready to welcome these moments in.

Moments of perfect timing can be just the impetus for change that we need. We can be ignited into starting, re-starting, keeping on going, and/or changing direction.

I’m curious, when have you felt the timing for something was perfect?


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