Not The Same

What to do when something changes around us?

One of my local supermarkets is undergoing a renovation and the new area has recently opened. It seems to have changed its target market from after-school hungry teenagers to gourmet entertainers.

This didn’t go unnoticed from my very own hungry teenager.

Him (hungry teenager): We’re not sure about it. It just doesn’t feel like our place anymore.

Me (helpful change-agent): You’ll get used to it, and I’m sure they won’t take away your chocolate and chip section 😂

It’s true. We all get used to these sorts of changes. We didn’t necessarily ask for them, and while we’re getting used to them, the gap between now and before can leave us with a feeling of loss. That uncomfortable feeling, a loss of ‘normal’, effects us whether it’s a change at our local shop, a change to a software package at work, or a global pandemic.

The upside, of course, is that we humans are innately adaptable.

Day by day, we ebb and flow, flexing and adapting.

Until the next change comes along, and we do it all again.

Footnote: I’m curious to observe the hungry teenagers adapting to the new bakery section in the not too distant future, too 😁


Seasonal Change


In Focus