In Focus

Snapping some pics with my “real” camera (read DSLR) recently I was reminded of the different challenges of using the auto and manual focus functions.

I tend to rely on auto focus most of the time, although, as I moved around trying to get the frame I wanted, the focus moved in and out and in and out, and my picture remained blurry. Until finally, I decided on the frame, stayed still long enough for it to come into focus, and click, I had the picture I was after.

It’s a bit like that when we’re seeking clarity on the change we seek. We may have a broad idea of the goal we are looking to achieve. And as we move around, contemplating different perspectives, and looking to get the lighting and other conditions just so, the picture fails to come into clear focus.

It may take two, ten or more attempts before our focus locks in and the picture becomes clear.


A great reminder that it’s all part of the process of getting to clarity, don’t you agree.


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