Try Your Mediumist

“I’m trying my mediumist”

So read the tweet from an author I know.

From early on, usually connected back to our school days, we are encouraged to, and rewarded when we, ’try hard’ to learn or master something new.

For many of us, trying our mediumist doesn’t seem good enough.

Except we know that being human means our motivation and energy is variable. We are not machines, and it is unrealistic to expect that we are operating at our maximum levels constantly.

We also know that persistent and consistent action is a keystone of achievement. Whether it be designing a product, delivering a project, writing a book, creating art, caring for a fellow human, it is in the day-in, day-out showing up, and taking small and large steps forward, that makes all the difference.

Which makes me conclude that if our mediumist is what we’ve got today, and we’re here anyway, it is more than good enough.

I’m curious, how might your mediumist be enough for you?


In Focus


A New Week