Not Enough


n. A seasonal affliction where we start to feel we haven’t done enough, or are enough.


We haven’t achieved our 2022 goals.

We haven’t completed everything on the list.

We have yet to … get that new job / earn the promotion / write the book / achieve our business strategy / learn a new language / get fit (or fit enough) / stop eating chocolate / implement that new idea / world peace / [insert your own here]

Albeit not in a real dictionary, not-enough-ness is a real feeling that can creep up on you as we approach the end of the year. So, if you’re feeling a little (or a lot) maybe you need to refer to the antonyms and focus on these.

Here they are, just for you.


Abundant; sufficient; enough; ample; generous

I’m curious, what will you write on your list of enough-ness?


Learning Moments


Slowing The Tempo