Slowing The Tempo

Something is in the air.

With two working weeks (or less) left until the holiday break, I can feel the change in tempo.

It starts with the external pressure of the calendar itself, the impossible list complete with impossible expectations, and the overload of extra commitments. All the while the clock keeps ticking.

We often turn that outer pressure inwards. Stress. Anxiety. Overwhelm. This time of year can have us feeling frazzled and un-festive. We allow the imminent holiday period and end of year to become THE deadline for everything.

Yes, some of the “extra” is unavoidable.

And, the rest remains much as it was last week, or last month.

At this time of year, a healthy dose of calm perspective can help us through.

I’m going to start the coming week with a deep breath, and slow the tempo down a notch. How about you?


Not Enough


Expect To Wonder