No More Yaks

Oh no, the yaks are back!

As I’m sure you’ve guessed, I’m talking the figurative kind, not actual Tibetan bovines 😉

A few years back, I stumbled across the concept of yak-shaving and it immediately resonated. So much so that I wrote a longer article about the challenges for those of us who have a pair of yak-shaving clippers handy at all times.

When I hear myself saying “well once I do that, then I can do that, and then that, and then I’ll get to the important thing on my list”, I realise the yaks are close by.

Starting the week in yak-shaving mode requires a serious reset.

Doing something - any thing - is usually enough to scatter the yaks, and get things back on track.

And, with that something, I’ve put my yak-shaving clippers down, and hope you have, too.


Laying Foundations


Let’s Try That!