Laying Foundations

Keep laying foundations.

When we see the concrete truck arrive on to the building site, we might think about the foundations for this new house are about to be laid.

The foundations have, of course, been laid well in advance of this moment. These foundation setting actions are often invisible to anyone outside of the process, and are often considered unrelated to what is happening today.

These pre-foundation foundations might include …

… the dreams and aspirations of those who will one day call this building home.

… the years of skill acquisition, experience and mastery from those who will come together and bring this dream to fruition.

… the planning, decisions, courage, conversations, experiments, flexibility, perseverance and change at every step.

All of this before a single drop of concrete is poured for the house’s physical foundation.

It isn’t reserved for building houses, either. In every moment, we are laying the foundations for something. What we believe, the actions we take, the conversations we have, will go on to be foundational for our goals and the changes we seek. Our pre-foundation foundations impact ours, and others, future.

It makes me wonder, what do you want, and need, in place long before the ‘concrete truck’ arrives for the change you seek to make?


What We See


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