Nice Problems

What would you do with 55 watermelons?

A friend posted a picture of the harvest from her kitchen garden, and following the WOW, my mind immediately moved to the practicalities of growing 55 (large) watermelons.

It’s a nice problem to have.

And, like any problem, it can be just the prompt our brain needs for some creative thinking. I’m certain if we stopped now and spent 5 minutes thinking, we’d end up with a multitude of obvious, and non-obvious, ideas. I am certain my friend and her family will be doing just that in the coming days.

It doesn’t stop at watermelons. This picture has me wondering about other nice problems that we have to solve.

What question can you ask yourself to tap into ideas and options, and what’s the watermelon (or 55) that can unleash your creativity today?


Voice Of Ready


Beyond Optics