Beyond Optics

“It’s all about the optics!”

We were discussing a recent change initiative in their workplace.

The themes were ever so familiar.

Too little evidence of people who are asking useful - or any - questions;

who are willing - or able - to openly discuss what needs to change; and

who care about making real change.

Their frustration was evident in the words: as long as we tick the boxes and can tell a good story, that’s all that matters.

I get it. Many change initiatives are complex, and wide-ranging, with multiple elements and competing demands. Change is rarely “perfect” (for whatever that means).

The people I talk to about these things aren’t seeking perfect.

They care about making their workplace better, they are curious about what is possible and they are confident of getting to the root of the change needed. They feel strongly about connecting their teams to a vision of better, and they want support when they stand up, and speak up, for the change.

They (rightly so) get frustrated when it ticks a box and makes for a flashy presentation, but its effects are temporary and haven’t made the workplace better, as promised.

There’s a myth that goes around organisations that people don’t like change.

The people I work with are seeking meaningful and lasting change in their workplaces.

It’s time to bust some of the change myths. It’s time that change becomes less about the optics and more about making meaningful, lasting change happen.

It’s time, fellow change seekers. It’s time.


Nice Problems


Want To Change