
Watch for the Monday-hole.

Much like those pesky potholes, or cavernous craters, Monday-holes can be a danger for the unsuspecting.

We bounce into our week full of vigour and determination, only to take one left turn and find ourselves at the bottom of the abyss.

Last week’s leftovers.

Unbridled possibility.

New ideas and goals.

An unexpected message.

The litany of usual distractions.

T-h-e L-I-S-T …

All of the things that can be filed under Work. Or, Life. All of which can leave us discombobulated and uncertain where to begin.

Monday-holes. Yes, they catch us all out from time to time. So, as we take a deep breath from the bottom of the Monday-hole, how might we climb our way out and start again?


Small Differences


Words To Live By