Small Differences

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent a night with a mosquito.

This oft-used proverb does more than conjure up an image of what it is like to have a mosquito inhabit your bedroom, it reminds us of the power of small things.

We can easily become trapped by thinking bigger is better.

Yet, much of what makes a real difference in our work and life is the “small” things.

I’m reminded of the impact when someone reaches out, checks in, has a kind word or two, offers encouragement and support, holds space, listens, and is simply, there.

Seemingly small, human acts, that often go unnoticed in our shiny, noisy world.

Except for those on the receiving end, where it makes all the difference.

I’m curious, where might you invoke the power of small to make a bigger difference?


Energy Refresh

