Messy Middle

Maybe you’re in the messy middle!

How do you know?

We know when we’re in the unmessy middle - we’ve already started along a change journey, and we’ve yet to arrive at our destination.

The messy middle, whilst it may be the same place, looks and feels different.

It is the place where motivation, persistence, and resilience can be tested. It is the place where doubts and struggles can creep in. Things can become murky and we start to wonder what its all about.

The messy middle is the place where the work happens with all of its ups and downs, ins and outs.

So, maybe you’re in the messy middle.

The good news is that when you move on from the middle, the journey to the finish line is in sight.

Keep going. It really is worth the work required to get through.


Circle Of Change


Change The Story