Change The Story

Word of the day …


(n) Th tendency to not start anything until you’ve had a cup of coffee.

Can you relate? I can. Particularly on a Thursday when my day starts super early to coincide with my North American colleagues.

Of course, I don’t really need coffee. I do enjoy it but there’s many a time I’ve been able to start the day without it.

It is important to recognise our internal narrative as a sometimes convenient, useful, or otherwise story that we tell ourselves.

“I need my coffee to wake me up”

“I can’t start this project until I’ve done this one thing”

“I don’t know enough (yet) to take on that new role”

And so on.

There’s a whole book of stories that we tell ourselves; stories that hold us back from starting.

When we don’t start, we don’t do.

Perhaps the act of procaffinating might work as a perfect trigger to explore what other unhelpful stories we are telling ourselves, don’t you agree?


Messy Middle


Courage To Change