Make It Easy Trap

Beware the “make it easy” trap.

There are innumerable ways in which work and life are made easier for us.

As tempting as these time-savers, shortcuts, hacks, work-arounds, productivity tips and the like are, they should come with a warning label to proceed with caution.

How often do we find ourselves thinking, ‘this should save me some time/effort/pain’ only for it to require a far greater amount than if we’d done it the original way.

I don’t believe we should avoid pursuing an easier solution ever. Our human-ness probably wouldn’t allow it, anyway.

I do believe we should take them on with our eyes open, consider the full ‘cost’ of said easier option, and have plan b through z ready for the unexpected.

I’m curious, when was the last time something didn’t meet its ‘make it easy’ promise?


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