Keepers List

What’s on your keeper list?

We almost always fill our new year’s lists with the things we are starting or stopping.

What about those things that we are continuing on with. Of course, the list of such things can be quite long and whilst we may give thought to them during our reflection and planning, we don’t tend to capture them on what we are doing.

That might be okay for those ones that have become embedded as part of who we are (akin to brushing our teeth daily).

However, their presence on the keeper list plays a bigger role:

When we include things that are well on their way to becoming embedded, we MOTIVATE ourselves to keep going;

Some ‘keepers’ remind us of what we are capable of changing and doing, and continue to INSPIRE our new year’s efforts; and

Having these things explicitly stated can REINFORCE our behaviour so that, no matter what, we will keep doing them.

I’m curious, do you keep a keeper’s list as we kick off a new year?


Make It Easy Trap


Yet To Be, Do, Change