Love or Hate

Can you relate?

This photo is the back cover of the book I’ve been reading over the holidays. Every time I see this quote, it makes me think of those I know who feel, or have felt, this way about their jobs.

Reality check time. For many, tomorrow is the first day back at work after the holiday break. If that’s you, are you looking forward to it? Or, are you dreading it?

Many people consider changing jobs in January. That’s not surprising. At the start of a new year, we are often thinking about change.

But change doesn’t only mean we have to change jobs.

What will you do this year to ensure that your work meets your needs? What will you do to ensure that you are able to perform at your best? What will you do to ensure that your work environment is meaningful, respectful and supportive? What will you do to display the leadership needed to make change happen in your workplace?

What will you do to ensure that you enjoy your job this year as much as you’ve enjoyed having a holiday from it?


Choose Hope


Finding Clarity