Choose Hope

When all feels hopeless, choose hope.

In Australia right now there is a general feeling of hopelessness. Across our fire-ravaged country there are countless stories of devastation and sadness. There is no avoiding it.

More than ever, in times like this, hope is vital. Hope is often considered not much more than a positive, feel-good emotion. Yet, when we look at the psychology of hope, it becomes so much more powerful for making change happen.

I write about hope in my soon-to-be-published book, Change Seekers. Hope is an important element of change — at a personal level, in our workplaces, and in our communities.

I share this excerpt as a gesture of hope. A hope that we will each do what we can to instil hope, not hopelessness, in these difficult times.

A Gesture of Hope


The Last Minute


Love or Hate