Lifting Rocks

“Be careful, you don’t know what is under there …”

These were the words I overheard the parent saying to their young child while on a walk. The child had stopped to investigate a rock garden.

A curious child is keen to explore. They are driven by that innate curiosity and a need to discover and learn.

It’s true, we don’t know what might be hiding underneath rocks, and one of our jobs as parents is to protect.

As we get older, we have often had the experience - directly or indirectly - of lifting the rock and discovering something we dislike or fear. We lose our curiosity for the hidden world beneath rocks.

Sometimes in our workplace, the pathway to change is found through lifting a few rocks. We might hear (or say) the cautionary words: be careful, you don’t know what is under there ….

If we never look, the rocks stay in place and the status quo persists.

I wonder, how might we tap into our innate childlike curiosity and courage and lift a rock, or two, of change?


Is It Possible?


Did You Know…?