Did You Know…?

Did you know that butterflies taste through their feet?

I know, it’s not a fact that has much relevance to us humans (unless you’re a butterfly researcher, I guess!) however, it is most useful for butterflies.

We often find unusual facts about other animals interesting. And, we’re quick to take notice of, and applaud, our fellow humans who have interesting skills and traits.

Do we take enough notice of - and, do we applaud - those things that make us uniquely us?

Of course, we know it’s easier to see the label more clearly from the outside of the bottle.

That shouldn’t stop us from trying.

What do others notice and applaud? What are the messages we hear over and over? What are the things that we notice when we stop and observe ourselves in action?

How might a self-researcher answer the question: did you know that I ….?

How might that start your week on the right foot?


Lifting Rocks


Care Creates Change