Is It Possible?

That’s impossible.

I can’t do that.

No, never going to happen.

Chances are, we’ve all heard - and possibly spoken - these words a few times in our work and lives.

They can represent

a barrier to progress and change

a fixed mindset that cannot see other possibilities or perspectives

a reflex reaction and fear of challenging the status quo.

There’s a fabulous video that often shows up on social media. There are two dogs standing either side of a glass window madly barking at each other.  The outside dog stops barking for a moment. The camera pans out, and the outside dog walks a few steps to the open doorway, walks inside, takes a drink from the bowl, returns outside to the other side of the glass. The barking starts again.

Whilst things are not always as obvious as this example, many times the barriers and reasons we tell ourselves simply aren’t real.

What if we are able to find the open doorway?

What changes if we pan out our camera view and look at things from a different perspective?

Look around.

Like the dogs in the video, our self-imposed barriers might serve a purpose.

It might be time to consider what becomes possible if they aren’t there.


Our Way Is Okay


Lifting Rocks