Iterative Change

In a coaching discussion this week, a client said to me, “I’ve been researching the best way to make this change and I’m just so overwhelmed”.

I’m not surprised.

I asked Google the same question today and it gave me 2,080,000,000 results. This is more information than any of us could ever read or need.

My client’s research had also extended to asking colleagues and family for their input. It only added to the information overload and confusion.

A little bit of research goes a long way.

If we can build an iterative process of research, planning and action, we can use the momentum to learn and improve as we go along.

There is no single, perfect answer to the question of how to make the change we seek. When we start we might just find our way to what works for us.

Now, that’s worth trying.


Seek Boredom


Long Game