It Sounds Like …

On my desk sits Seth Godin’s Behemoth, a book that in his own words is “big enough to kill a small mammal if misused”. I find myself musing over the question on the cover: What does it sound like when you change your mind?

Before we can discover the sounds of changing minds, we must consider the act of changing minds.

Changing our mind isn’t always on the list of accepted things to change about ourselves, our teams and workplaces.

Yet true change is only possible when we learn to change our mind.

It takes concern and curiosity to explore an alternative worldview, and learn new (or new to us) knowledge;

It takes courage and commitment to take that different perspective and hold it, like a mirror, to our own; and

It takes confidence and conviction to admit to ourselves and others that we have changed our mind.

Listen up, can you hear it?

Yes, it’s the sound of us changing our mind.

Today, I’m hearing a long, relief-filled exhale of air. I’m curious what you hear?


Seeking More


A Glorious Mess