Seeking More


… reads the magnet on my whiteboard.

No-one could argue with that … could they?!

In a recent workshop, someone shared a comment that the word “more” triggered feelings of guilt and shame.

Doesn’t wanting more indicate that I’m ungrateful for what I have?

Doesn’t having more mean that someone else will have less?

It’s not the first time I’ve heard such concerns.

What if?, I ask.

What if … our gratitude and our aspiration co-exists? It is possible to be grateful for an opportunity AND to desire more meaning. It is possible to be grateful for the people in our lives AND to want more time to spend with them.

What if … the more we strive for isn’t coming from a limited supply? It is possible to bring an abundant view to whatever we do, and apply that even in situations where our resources are finite.

As I glance again at the magnet on my whiteboard, there is nothing wrong with striving for more yay in the world, that is for sure.


Focus & Grow


It Sounds Like …