Getting Started

How do we make change happen?

“Start with the end in mind”

“Start at the beginning”

“Consider the big picture”

“Break it down into bite-sized pieces”

“What is your long term vision?”

“What can you do today?”

You’ll hear all of these suggestions and more. Of course, there’s no one way and it’s not an either/or scenario.

It’s about taking the ideas that feels right for us and starting. It’s about experimenting, iterating and adapting our approach. It’s about consistent and persistent action.

As the end of the year approaches it’s natural to look back and reflect, and look forward and consider where we want to make change happen.

It can be a lot. The overwhelm passes with the reassurance that there is many a pathway to change.

I’m curious, what change do you want to make happen?


Ideas Time


Recurring Surprise