Full Buckets

There’s a hole in my bucket …

[Words that might have you now singing the well-known children’s song 😉]

It would appear that many others, along with dear Henry, are navigating work and life with a hole in their bucket.

When I observe the trail of

energy and wellbeing,

hope and optimism,

learning and growth,

progress and achievement,

care and connection,


and more,

I realise that leaky buckets are everywhere.

Before we jump in with the potentially unhelpful advice of “then mend it”, it might be worth asking ourselves:

What are the vital buckets we are carrying?

Where are the cracks or holes beginning to emerge?

And, what can we do today that might help avoid dear Henry’s predicament?

Keeping our buckets in good working order is a change worth making, don’t you agree!


Fixing Bugs


Seeking Surprise