Focus On Gratitude

We are what we focus on.

I’m reminded of this daily when taking part in a shared gratitude practice. As I read the daily gratitudes of others, and reflect upon my own, I get to observe the goodness that exists.

In both the big and small things;

In family, friends, colleagues, strangers;

In a moment of connection;

In ourselves;

In our environments.

Some of it would be easy to miss, or take for granted. We see it because we are looking for it. We are practicing gratitude with intention. The outcome is that we are grateful for all of these things and more.

It can often sound too simplistic, yet gratitude practices are known to reduce stress and boost our health and wellbeing. In the shared practice, there is the added bonus of connection.

As the saying goes, the simple things are often the best.

I’m curious, what are you feeling grateful for this weekend?


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